I have used the new script after processing. But it is not adding to Acy6, so what is missing here?
`$postData = $_REQUEST['form'];
$myUser = new stdClass();
$myUser->email = strip_tags($postData['RSEProEmail']); //Please replace email_field by your own field name (the name of the field "email").
$myUser->name = strip_tags($postData['RSEProName']); //Please replace name_field by your own field name (the name of the field "name").
$subscriberClass = acymailing_get('class.subscriber');
$subscribe = array(1); //Specify here the ID of your lists separated by a comma, in this example the user will be subscribed to lists IDs 3,4 and 5.
$_REQUEST['subscription'] = $subscribe; //Only useful when using a subscription condition in the "Create Joomla user" plugin, you can delete this line if you don't use this plugin
$subid = $subscriberClass->save($myUser);
$subscriberClass->sendConf($subid); //we send the confirmation email... only if needed based on the current user status and the option from the Acy configuration page.
$newSubscription = array();
foreach($subscribe as $listId){
$newList = array();
$newList['status'] = 1;
$newSubscription[$listId] = $newList;