portonav The URLs generated by the module, when directed to an article with restricted access, are wrong. When I click on the title of a newsletter article, if that article is of restricted access, it gives an error. Any tips on that?
portonav It gives error for restricted articles with the Display News module (Raxo). The URL leads to the login page, rather than the article introduction. And if I'm already logged in, it leads to a blank page.
portonav The URL of the articles (with restricted access) should lead to the article itself. It should not lead to the login page. An example of a restricted article: https://www.portosenavios.com.br/noticias/portos-e-logistica/mp-945-retirada-uma-das-propostas-de-ajuste-nas-tarifas-cobradas-por-terminais-que-indenizarem-avulsos In the newsletter, the URL is: https://www.portosenavios.com.br/index.php?option=com_acymailing&ctrl=url&subid=111375&urlid=84434&mailid=9212 After clicking, the target address: https://www.portosenavios.com.br/login?idU=8&utm_source=newsletter_9212&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=noticias-do-dia-portos-e-navios-date-d-m-y And the result after trying to login: blank page
irfanmoosani @portonav Did you set up some rules in your .htaccess or in your SEF component which could explain the redirection? Are you using a special SEF component on your website?
wikotch Hello, have you found a solution? I have the same problem. The SEF of Joomla is activated, that's all.