I'm the tech volunteer for a 501(c)(3) non-profit and I've been using AcyMailing 5 for over a year now with great success. However, our hosting provider BlueHost.com would like me to move the charity's 1,200 emails a week off BlueHost's mail server over to a commercial mailing service. So after much research, I settled on Amazon SES. I started getting that set up over a week ago.
Today, I finally got the email saying that we've been moved out of the Amazon Sandbox and our account is ready to send up to 50,000 emails a day at a max rate of 14 per second. Everything on their end is a go and I was even able to send a few test emails from within the Amazon AWS Console.

Now, to the problem on my end, I cannot get AcyMailing v5.10.8 to connect to Amazon SES.
Here are my settings:
Server: email-smtp.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
Port: I tried 25, 465, and 587
Secure Method: I tried both TLS and SSL
Keep Alive: Yes
Authentication: Yes
Username: AKIAY43W674DPE6LCN5U
Password: SMTP password created in Amazon SES
Just left the defaults: No, 8 Bit, UTF-8, 150, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Only available from AcyMailing Essential

From the AcyMailing Configuration page:
Whenever I attempt to send a test message using port 25, I quickly get back, "SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111)"
Whenever I attempt to send a test message using ports 465 or 587, after a couple minutes I get back, "405 Not Allowed".

What am I doing wrong?

UPDATE 6/25/2019: Today, I created a test email account in Thunderbird and was able to successfully send a couple emails using the credentials above. I just wanted to prove to myself that the credentials and server were correct.
I also called my hosting company, BlueHost.com, and the email TS guy check and said no ports were being blocked.
So everything is good on the Amazon SES end. I'm able to send emails from my local PC using Amazon SES as the SMTP Server. And my hosting company said everything looks good on their end. Yet, I still get back, "405 Not Allowed" whenever I attempt to send a test msg from within AcyMailing Configuration.

6 days later
  • TomSupport Beginner

  • Edited


Did you try the link "What port can I use from my website?" in the AcyMailing configuration, tab Mail configuration?
It will tell if the port are really open and can be used by AcyMailing?
It happens that hosting companies tells the ports are open but the only check ingoing ports and not outgoing ones used to send email via SMTP.

Then you should use the following configuration:
Port : 465
Secure method : SSL
Authentication : Yes

a year later

I'm trying Amazon SES in Acymailing 6, something different in configuration?
Steve62305, I created domain, verified it and his email addresses. I added Dkim and all other DNS record. What else?
The Send a test give this error:
SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting

2020-12-16 09:40:46 SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection timed out (110)

I'm sorry that I failed to come back and update this thread with my success last month.
Back in late November 2020, I upgraded to an AcyMailing Enterprise Annual Subscription and installed version 6. It picked up my configuration settings from version 5.
When I sent my first small test email to about 20 addresses using Amazon Web Services as my SMTP server, it worked without me changing any settings! Then later I did all the DKIM and DNS TXT record stuff to raise my SPAM rating. Since November, I've sent out six newsletters for the charity I volunteer with. Each went out to about 1,530 addresses without incident.
I'm going to open a new thread with what I'm doing to see if I'm doing everything I can to optimize my sending.


Check which ports are opened on your server as suggested in this thread.


Great, enjoy your Acymailing!