I have installed AcyMailing Enterprise and use Joomla! 3.9.8
My question: Although I have set 'Yes' in the 'AcyMailing subscription form, Button Logout' module, no logout button appears. Only if I remove the query* in Joomla Override under Module 'mod_acym' -> tableless.php, a logout button appears in the form.
<?php if ($params->get('unsub', '0') == '1' && !empty($countUnsub)) { ?>
<span style="display: none;"></span>
<input type="button" class="btn button unsubbutton" value="<?php echo acym_translation($unsubscribeText, true); ?>" name="Submit" onclick="try{ return submitAcymForm('unsubscribe','<?php echo $formName; ?>'); }catch(err){alert('The form could not be submitted '+err);return false;}" />
<?php } ?>
If you click on this button, the registered user will be unsubscribed from the newsletter list, but still exists among the users. Doesn't the user have to be removed completely? see DSGVO