Dear all, maybe you have a solution for our following situation:
We have a multilingual page with multilingual newsletter subscribtion lists. As we have various sales offices in different countries we have imported for some of these offices users to some lists (no given IP adress and no double opt in process for these users). As of GDPR we have paused sending newsletters out etc. - now we would like to reconfirm these selected users.
Our "wish" case:
Our idea is to set status confirmed to 0 and add an custom field where these users may be selected for Mass action.
User enabled = 1
User confirmed = 0
IP = NULL (empty)
Example Custom field: User needs reconfirmation = 1
We want to send an email to these users where they can click a button by choice: agree - disagree
If they agree: User information should be updated (confirmed = 1, update given IP, (best case: needs reconfirmation 0))
If they disagree: Set the Status of "accept emails" to 0 or update any custom field (i.e. "delete this user" = 1)
Problem: Can not send emails to users which are "not" enabled or "not" confirmed
Don't know how to update the ip adress via confirmation link
(Custom field is not necesarry if before problems has a solution =))
Has somebody a solution for this case or maybe something similar? Any ideas?
Thank you in advance