I have created a subscription form and wish to style this as a horizontal form. There are very few configuration options, and the plugin CSS creates a unique id for each form instance (so reload the page it gets a new id), plus uses !important together with this id, so I think it is actually impossible to override properly. Does it really need to do this?
For example, I am unable to find anyway to override the margin declarations as the inline CSS generated includes
#acym_fulldiv_formAcym15321.acym__subscription__form__shortcode .acym__subscription__form__fields, #acym_fulldiv_formAcym15321.acym__subscription__form__shortcode .acym__subscription__form__button {
display: block;
width: 100%;
margin: 1rem 0 !important;
I have hacked paddings on other elements to get around this, but it still is not possible to get fully right because of the !important on margin.
The configuration also forces pixel values for height and width to be entered, which shouldn't be necessary.
I have managed to get an ok form on https://bubobirding.com/checklist-of-the-birds-of-lakshadweep/ although it is not responsive and the margins give a formatting problem on most screen resolutions.
However, how can I control the position and formatting of the response messages? At the moment they clearly do not work, and I would rather have them underneath the form.