Hi Dear,
- Drag & Drop could be useful if it's super-fast in loading after adding every piece or block. It's a mess if there is even tiny delay. And it seems that there is some delay in v6 of AcyMailing when you drag & drop element.
Morover: it would be superior in terms of UX for veeery graphic items. For something like e-mail, it's like if you have to write a book and instead of using a word editor like Words or Pages, you use a slide presenter like Power Point or Key Point: yes, you can arrive at the end, but with a very big dose of frustration.
- "Easy" doesn't mean intuitive. Take AcyMailing v5 campaign/follow up: you create a campaign, that add emails in that campaign. That is: there is a "container" (campaign) with their option, in which there are the "content" (all the follow up emails, with their specific options).
And when you create them, you follow the natural flow of this: first thing (container/campaign) first, then the content. In v6 there is not this "flow". Take again example of book: for v6, it's like if I ask you to write the book, starting with page 1 of chapter 1, then page 2 of chapter 2, then page 3 of chapter 3... Then go back to page 2 of chapter 1, page 2 of chapter 2, and so on...
Morover: the automated campaign in v6 store the email created inside of them, in a place not possible to manage from back end; in v5 you can go in the email/followup, manage them (delete/modify/& so on) intuitively.
If I the only experiencing this "difficulties", maybe I have to study v6 much more respect what I did. I would like only to know if there are someone else experiencing this.
Very thanks for your work. 🙂