csaidon I need to insert in an email the year of birth of the users. When I insert the birthday subtag I get this: {subtag:birthdate} 1993-22-10 I need only the Year, without the month and day. How I can get only the year? Thanks Claudia
jvstratum Hi, Yoiu can format the birthday like this: {subtag:birthdate|type:date|format:%d /%m %Y}. In your case you should remove the %d and %m.
jvstratum @Lars.noack#7976 Hi, There's no such feature in Acymailing. You might find an alternative in creating a custom plugin and do some php coding to calculate the age. For v5: https://docs.acymailing.com/v/old/developers/acymailing-5-developer-documentation For v6: https://docs.acymailing.com/developers/acymailing-developer-documentation