rakesh Seems that my attachments are not being send with the test mail, so probably also not with the mailing. it is a .docx and .pdf Please check if this is a bug.
Remi_Acyba Hi, I can't reproduce this issue, make sure that in your configuration the option Embed attachments (configuration -> Mail settings) is checked. You also want to make sure that the size of your attachment file isn't higher than the limit on the email client. https://www.outlook-apps.com/maximum-email-size/
meminf Hi, we have Joomla and AcyMailing installed in a Microsoft IIS Server and we are finding the same problems of rakesh. The test mail function don't send an simple attachment (18 Kb). The Embed attachment setting is checked. Can you help us? Thanks
Alexandre Hi, Please contact us through our contact form on our website. We will have a look at it. ;-)