• AcyMailing 5
  • Problem with option filters on subscribers frontend list


In the backend, if we go to the Users list, we have two dropdowns to filter the users by the list and the status.

In this lists we can select the “All subscribers” and “All lists” as expected.

But, if we try to do the same on the frontend version, we can’t do it, because the option is missing in the dropdown.

We have checked the configuration and we haven’t seen any option to do it.

How can we have this on the frontend version of the subscriber list?

Thanks in advance.



This could be related to user rights. Do you experience the same behaviour when loggin in as super user in the frontend?


Yes, we have check it with our Super User, and it have the same problem.

We have also checked the "Access Level" on the configuration and we have all ACL checked for the Super User.

To input more information about the problem, in the status filter we can only see this three options:
"Suscribed", "Wait Confirmation" and "Without Subscription".

In the list filter we only can see the enabled lists (this works as expected, but we need the option to see all users no matter the list they have been included.


Thanks for the answer, we will do it!


You're welcome, enjoy your Acymailing!