• AcyMailing 5
  • Allowed formats for attachments – ics support?

Hi all,
it is possible to attache event files respectively calendar entries to a newsletter? AcyMailing doesn't support ics files right now, unfortunately.

I would like to give the recipients the possibility to transfer announced dates comfortably by click (PC) or fingertip (Smartphone) into their own calendar. Or is there a workaround?

Thanks a lot, best regards


Have you added the ics extension in the allowed files in the AcyMailing configuration, tab Security?

Best regards

Hello Tom,

ah, here we go - wonderful! ;-) Now it works, the ics file is attached to the mail. Thank you!

The appointment is not directly displayed in the email app on the Mac and iPhone as a 1-click-entry, but I will continue my research there. Or do you have a tip?



You're welcome πŸ™‚
I'm not sure if this will change this, but you can try to change the option "Embed attachment" in the AcyMailing configuration, tab Mail configuration.

Best regards


no, "Embed attachment" (it was "on") doesn't change it: "off" there ist a link instead of the file. Anyway, that's Ok.

Best regards