I need to translate the acceptance paragraph ( I agree with the terms and conditions and the privacy policy) in spanish and change the french version. But is seems that no strings are detected by WPML. did I miss something or the only way to do translation is through the acymailing plugin itself instead of wpml ?
strings not detected by wpml
jvstratumSupport Senior
WPML is currently not supported. You can read more about this subject in this thread: https://forum.acymailing.com/d/1874-wordpress-wpml-language-does-not-respect-selected-or-user-language/9
really wpml is not supported ? wpml is just the 1st multi language plugin ! why do you have wpml option in language settings ? sorry, but I'm a bit confused of your answer.
AlexandreSupport Senior
Hi @tonnick
Sorry for the misunderstanding, Joep is a Joomla user so that's why you didn't get the right answer ;-)
WPML is supported and you should be able to see strings in it.
In fact the string is splited in multiple ones.
String is: I agree with the %1$s and the %2$s
Then the params are replaced by the two other translations.
If you still can't see them in WPML please open a support ticket. We will have a look at it
ok I'll open a ticket. merci !