In Statistics I can see, that 44 of 480 mails coudn't be send. But I can't find a button to resend the newsletter. In Queue there is nothing... Thanks a lot for your help!
Regards, Seraina


When you send your mail again Acymailing will ask you if it has to send it to everyone on your list or only those who haven't received it yet. Make sure the setting is right before hitting the final send-button.

thank you. Can you tell me where to make the settings... when I go to the newsletter it would like to send it again to all 480... and I coudn't find any settings.. I'm a bit afraid that all of the people will receive the newsletter again... thank you!


When you choose to send your newsletter for the secon time you get a popup that informs you to how many users the list is going to be send. Just below that it will ask you what to do with users who already received the mail.

In case yoiu feel uncomfortable with this create a temp list with only you on it. Create a test mail and send it. After that send the mail again and you'll see the popup.

It's documented here: https://docs.acymailing.com/v/old/main-pages/newsletters#send

The Pop up came and I send it, but than no user could be found...
So it looks like I have to select individually to resend it.
But thanks for your help!

You're welcome, enjoy your Acymailing!