Hello everyone,
Jooma and Wordpress are both applications that allow users to easily publish their content on the Internet or Intranet. However, in everyone's opinion, which darker app should I use, Jooma or Wordpress?
Thanks everyone.

    4 days later

    Well, your question is a little insufficient.

    It's like asking what car to buy:
    SUV or sedan?

    Fill in more information

    4 days later

    VioletSchultz a short answer: Wordpress is easy to use, easy(ier) to crack, easy to organize when your content is simple, hard to organize when content is complicated
    Joomla is (slightly) harder to use, harder to crack, harder to organize but when you have more complicated content it surpasses Wordpress.
    As for Acymailing they are rather similar.

    still we don't have information if website will be simply blog or not.
    if he can't define his needs and doesn't have enough decency to answer, I don't know if he deserves an answer even with the best of intentions
    But thank you for your efforts and for him