Hi @pulsarinformatique
if I understood well what you mean, and from my point of view, this feature is something that can be reach by steps:
1 - In first of all by adding the Tags to the Subscription module / menu item, I mean to be able to subscribe by tags. So we could create infinite sending lists "on the fly" (not fixed) without the needs to multiply the Lists, complicating the things (often for just few emails..)
2 - to use an online Conditional Content plugin like the one by RegularLabs
Should be good have it integrated into the AcyMailing Editor
3A - (Silpest) The plugin integration will simply report a "view it online" button that, showing the email online will apply all the Conditional Content rules for the logged in users
3B - (Better, as you want) Also the emails will be compiled one by one for each user before to be sent out, but this could mean a lot of data generating a lot of consumption (less speed etc.)
Have you talked to AcyMailing team about your request / suggestion ?