At some point along the way in the course of updating the AcyMailing starter version, I have 2 entries for the extension in my menu which go to different installs.

One that I keep going back to because I enjoy how it works must be the old version.
When I go to that one it says it is version 5.10.4 and that I can update. (not entirely true).
I could use the new one, but my problem is this:
How do I get one of them (either one at this point) to have all the newsletters/emails from the other. If I have to lose one I'd rather lose the newer one, and keep the data from the old one as it is more "current". I briefly used the other, and I liked the old one so I just kept going back to it, but now AcyMailing is blocking my ability to update Joomla.
Anybody have some suggestions for this novice?