(It looks like my post, added to another discussion, wasn't seen, so I'm making a new one.)
When using AcyMailing with Elastic Email, one is supposed to put the following unsubscribe link in the newsletter:
"<a href="{unsubscribeauto:{unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe}}">Unsubscribe</a>"
However, this does two things:
(1) Unsubscribes the person in Elastic Email, so no more emails will be sent to them.
(2) Displays an unsubscribe page on the website, giving the person the option to unsubscribe from one or more lists.
However, this option on the website appears to be useless, since the person has been unsubscribed in Elastic Email.
Therefore, unless there is some other possibility, it appears that the only way around this would be to not display the option to unsubscribed from selected lists, but rather just unsubscribe them from all lists.
In that case, what code should one put in the newsletter instead of "<a href="{unsubscribeauto:{unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe}}">Unsubscribe</a>"?