ozzzz Hi there! I use the acymailing override for the 'reset password email'. What is the tag I should use that creates the link the user needs to click to confirm the reset password? I tried {usertag:requireReset|info:receiver} but that doesnt work?
ozzzz I changed it to my format, and did not store the link 🙂 So... How can I insert the clickable link to the reset confirmation? I want to place it in a button if possible.
mihha You have to put this into your email override {trans:COM_USERS_EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_BODY|param1|param2|param3} I am afraid that you can't put it into the button because this code produces the whole email body
ozzzz Ah I see - no button is ok. But I do like to be able to change the text - can I not only insert the link to the reset confirmation?
mihha You can search for the COM_USERS_EMAIL_PASSWORD_RESET_BODY string constant in Joomla language manager and change the content there