the version 7 on Wordpress seems to crash wp statistics. I neeeded to desactivate acymailing. May be something not compatible with wp-statistics....Is there anyone concerned by this bug?

Yes. Also problems. And after hours I found out that AcyMailing 7.7.1 causes this. Also with Elementor PRO and GAinWP Google Analytics Integratie voor WordPress active.

In fact the wp-rest cookie link is defect after activating AcyMailing. You can check this by typing: https/yourdomain/wp-json or https/yourdomain/wp-json/wp/v2 .
You see something like this: rest_cookie_invalid_nonce

I've not found a fix yet.

Guys, please do as I suggested because our developers don't track forum reports. We really need opened ticket so we can track reported bugs

    I did open a ticket !
    This is a priority bug in my opinion