webcube Hello, I want to export all AcyMailing contacts, as we are having problems with updating Joomla, based on AcyMailing. This is a problem, because I cannot get the contacts nor update Joomla.
jvstratum Hi, The image is missing, so it';s hard to provide the best answer. In Acymailing->Subscribers you can export your subscribers.
webcube Images can be found on the URL: https://webcube.be/acymailing%20fout.png So I do get an error when trying to export the mail addresses. Can they be exported from the database directly?
mihha Please provide more details of your environment: version of Joomla version of PHP on your server version of AcyMailing that you have
webcube mihha Sure! Joomla 3.10.4 PHP 8.0.14 AcyMailing 5.8, i guess. Several versions of different components/ See image
webcube mihha I would like to, but Joomla is giving me errors when I want to do that. Whare can I download that (free?) version, please?
webcube mihha Just "error', nothing more. That is when i try to upload starter_v7.6.2_2021-12-04_09-49-01.tar.gz form your website. I do not see other downloads on the website