From what I can see the Welcome Email option does not allow me to select users that unsubscribe from one list and get added to another.
To reiterate, I have 3 types of users each to get a different email messages
Free User. They are added to a free user list and they get a welcome email. Yes, i can use the “Welcome Email” option for this.
Free User who upgrades to Paid: This user would be automatically subscribed to the “Paid User List” and unsubscribed from the “Free User List”
I would like to be able to select two conditions as to whether they get the “Thank you for Upgrading Email message”
- Paid User Paid User List”. They get a different welcome message. If I use the Welcome Email option, user #2 above would also get this email, which I don’t want.
So what I would need to do with this subscriber is conditionally select them as well.
What I am essentially asking is if it possible to select the condition:
Unsubscribed from “Free User List” AND Subscriber to the “Paid User List”
If so, which email type let me set this condition?