Fooruit Hi, I started the spam check. In the report I see this line: -1.968 FONT_INVIS_MSGID Invisible text + suspicious message ID On the scale of 0 to 10, this costs almost 2 points. What can I do to resolve this? Regards, Wouter
Fooruit Another line I see in the spam test is this one: T_KAM_HTML_FONT_INVALID Test for Invalidly Named or Formatted Colors in HTML I hope someone has any idea how to solve this.
mihha Please check this Regarding the other reported issue, as the message suggests, your problem is probably a wrong color code in the newsletter source, so check that
Fooruit Deleting text in the email preview line solved a part of the issue. But how can I check the HTML source of the newsletter? Probably the html color code is wrong, but I don't know where I can check that.
jvstratum Hi, You can select a block and edit it's html by clicking on the Edit html button in the desing panel.
Fooruit OK, I did not found that cause I didn't know it has to be done per block. Thanks for your reply.