visability I use Elementor Pro to create popup forms that capture user and product data. The ACYmailing plugin allows me to capture the user's name and email address on submit but there is no way to include the data from other fields in the form. Any ideas on the best way to do so?
mihha I don't have Elementzor Pro, so I can't answer this question specifically On the other hand, AcyMailing allows creating popup forms as well, so you can try to use the feature from AcyMailing directly, instead of the Elementor popup forms
visability Thanks Mihha The popup forms automatically capture info from the page like the product name, category etc. I can not include that data in an ACYMailing popup. Some forms that I use also include a lot of data so we use multipage forms so I really need to get something to work well with Elementor.
mihha As far as I know, Elementor forms allows adding PHP script which can be triggered during the submission phase. As far as I can see, that would be the only way to add field values from Elementor form into the AcyMailing fields I am afraid that I can't help you much with the needed code Maybe you can check an example that we have regarding the same using RSForms extension in Joomla
visability Elementor does not allow php scripts to run after submit. It does have a webhook feature that would be great to use but I can not format the URL correctly to submit via URL. ACYMailing requires the url data to be structured with the field names containing special characters. The email field as an example needs to be: user[email] I can not add the square brackets in Elementor. I could use or but not user[email] So close but no real solution yet.
visability I can create a simple script to subscribe via URL. In the old version of ACYMailing you could include custom fields in the URL by using: &user[columnName]=ABC in the URL. This does not work in ACYMailing 7 but I am sure that there is a way to do that. Do you know how?