reznickovan Form fields are very narrow It is not possible to write the entire email and that may bother some people. How can the fields for data entry be extended? I can't create my own css and I couldn't find any settings. What should I do?
jvstratum Hi, Switching the display mode to tableless might give you better results. Other then that applying custom css is the way to go.
reznickovan I switched that, but the results are the same, the fields are still very narrow. I can't use custom css because I can't. Please advise me what to do, how to set my own css. I need to know the code and where exactly to put it. Thank you
mihha We can't provide the code which you need If you don't know how to create a custom CSS code, please try to find some web developer to help you with this task Thank you for understanding!
MelanieB I added this to my custom css file which seemed to work: .acym_module_form .onefield label div.cell, .acym_module_form .onefield textarea { max-width: 90%; }