I use AcyMailing 5 (latest) together with Joomla 3.10( latest).
We have set up multiple distribution lists, so that our members from different groups can communicate on their own with each other.
But there is a bug in sending attachments.
When a person sends an email with attachments to more than one distribution list, only one of the receiver lists will get the attachments, the others will receive just the mail without the attachments.
From: persona@example.org
To: list-a@mail.net
CC: list-b@mail.net
File 1
File 2
Subscribers of List A gets just "TEXT", while subsribers from List B receives "TEXT" + File 1 + File 2.
I've checked the problem with the recorded newesletter in backend. For List A there are no attachments, while the missing attachments are inList B available.
So how can I solve this issue?
Kind regards