Fooruit Hi,, I saw this doc: But when I look in Acymailing v8.x Enterprise I don';t see the o[ption to insert iCagenda events to the newsletter. Is this add-on available for v8.x?
CFM @mihha I have installed the icagenda with the addon button, it is installed, but it is not visible in my enterprise edition. When creating a newsletter I don't see a option to insert icagenda information
mihha Please do two things in the future: open a support ticket using our contact form, so we can take a look open a new topic and create your own post regarding the issue, and don't just put your own problem in someone else's topic. It would be ok to do as you did if this forum would work as a community support forum, but unfortunately, there are very few members here that are willing to provide help to other users, so this forum is actually working as a support channel where users expect to get a support from the Acyba personnel. In that case, other users don't need to receive notifications about something they don't care about Thank you for understanding!