
When using the easyblog addon it breaks the layout. The images are way to big if the setting is set to yes for display image. If you set resize image then it goes to small. How do we correct this? I am on very latest release of Acymailing

Kind regards

a year later

Yes, I learned that the ACY 9 plugin removes all paragraph breaks from the content too. I guess I'll submit a support ticket too.



Acymailing does not remove the <p> tags. Unfortunately for this element no default bottom margin is set. You can easily define your own margin by adding this code to the custom style sheet of your email or template.

p.acym__wysid__tinymce--text--placeholder {
    margin-bottom: 1em !important;

We have explained adding your custom css in this article: https://docs.acymailing.com/developers/customise-inserted-content#using-custom-css

Next time you have a question, please be so kind to start your own thread. It makes no sense to comment on such an old thread which is also not related to your question.

5 days later