Previous user of Starter 5.x and 6.x on J!3.x. Building a NEW server for one of my clients on J!4 and Starter 8.2.0 and having issues with showing the subscription form.
The basics: I currently have a simple page built with the default (Cassio) template. There are only 4 modules -- Breadcrumbs, LoginForm (Type: Login, Pos: Sidebar-right), MainMenu (Type: Menu, Pos: Sidebar-right), and Newsletters (Type: AcySubscription Form, Pos: Sidebar-right). All are published.
Newsletters is Tableless display mode with the one list auto-subscribed, and only the NAME field selected. Menu assignment is "On all pages", and the Intro text has been defined, but no other changes from default have been made.
When I view the site in the normal browser, I see the LoginForm and MainMenu, but no Newsletters. I can publish and unpublish the LoginForm and MainMenu, and they appear/disappear as expected. NOTHING I do seems to make the Acy dialog appear.

I have never had such problems on J!3/Acy5.x. Is there something obvious I am missing here?