
I've just upgraded my website to Joomla 4, everything is fine except for Hikashop Checkout.

So I went on Hikashop website to get some support and apparently the problem comes from Acymailing.

The issue is this one :

When a user is using our website, proceed to checkout and validate his payment an error occur.
The error message is this one :
0 - Failed opening required '/home/iy3riw2l/public_html/administrator/components/com_acymailing/helpers/helper.php' (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php81/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php')

I includ the full report in the attachment.

Thing is, hikashop validate the paiement but it is not enable to send the invoice mail. (That's waht it looks like to me)

So I desactivate the plugin name : Acymailingclassmail and now I do receive the invoice.

Any idea of what could be messing up the process ?

Thanks in advance for your support.


You have labeled this thread as Acymailing 7 & 8, but the error message is related to Acymailing v5. Can you provide us with more information about what you have installed on your server?


All right, that is probably why it doesn't work.

I do have AcyMailing Enterprise 8.4.1 install on the server.

But I know they were using the old acymailing before I took the position. Maybe the did not make the update right. I guess.

How can I get rid of all the old stuff ?

I think I get it.

I just looked in the plugin and I can see a bunch of plugin and extension label as version 5.10.

I suppose I can delete all of them ?


You can uninstall everything with a version number lower then 8.4.1. Please uninstall the modules first and once done uninstall the Acymailing v5 extension afterwards.

In case you would also like to clean your database you can delete the v5 tables with a tool like phpadmin. You will find two sets of database tables. The ones starting with acymailing belong to v5 and the onse starting with acym belong to v8.

Cool !

Thanks for you answer !

Have a good one !