Dear All,
I recently upgraded my website from Joomla!3 to Joomla!4 (4.2.9). In the course of my post-upgrade checks I noticed an error when confirming an acymailing subscription in the second language of my website.
I tracked the root cause down to the file:line "administrator/components/com_acymailing/compat/joomla.php:508"
$previousLanguage = acym_getLanguageTag();
In fact, the procedure acym_getLanguageTag() does not exist. However, there is a procedure in the same php file called acymailing_getLanguageTag(). So I replaced the above mentioned line by the below mentined line and repeated my test.
$previousLanguage = acymailing_getLanguageTag();
As a result, now no error occurred when I confirmed an acymailing subscription in the second language of my website.