I wonder is there a way how to create sef url when read it online link is clicked?
Currently it shows this url: https://www.website.com/component/acym/archive/ID-newsletter_title.html?userid=123456-XYZm3CwfODi6&tmpl=component
I would like to use something like /newsletter/ instead of "/component/acym/archive/"
and I would like to hide this part: "&tmpl=component
Usually, components like this have option to create link to component view in hidden menu which creates
Btw. I don't want to use other huge sef components for this task.
Why acymailing 8 still doesn't have option to hide ugly contentheading above view it online?
V5 has very convenient setting for that. so why remove it?
It was asked for this before.
I use latest J3 and latest Acy 8 enrterprise