Hello, I sent an email yesterday, however no one has responded.
Error - Call to undefined method Joomla\CMS\Application\AdministratorApplication::isAdmin()
I'm not sure this is just AM7&8 or 5 issue for updating.
As I was trying to update my J4 site, it recommended that I update the acymailing component. When I did,
it provided the error in the title here. It wouldn't allow me to uninstall the component. So I went in the file manager
to delete the acymailing component and now my admin and my website are missing in action - this is the error - 0 - Class "JRequest" not found.
There are about 40 files stil related to acymail, however, I'm not touching them until you respond.
I also have another website that I will not update because I don't want to have the same issue with the admin and website disappearing.
Thank you,