We are relying on the acymailing user list and the frontend manager for who we send a message out to. We have several managers all in control of separate lists. The other day, one manager somehow managed to send a message to all the lists system-wide on AcySMS. But, I only have her as beening able to access 4 small list on the front end.
Today, another manager was setting up a newsletter and she wrote me this
As my normal routine for past three years , to prepare to send out my newsletters to my members, all the sudden,out of the blue, instead to only my members...... it shows entire list to send to all 800plus NIA users, and all with these different collored dots??
Please help, this is the first time encountering this type of issue when sending out my Tuesday/Friday emails.
You all checked into the AcySMS issue the other day and were unable to nail-down the problem. Now the issue seems to be happening with AcyMailing. I'm trying to figure out how that could have happened. Any ideas?