I am considering to use AcyMailing on our club's website for the newsletter. The website is built with Wordpress and heavily customized, so I am currently trying to get things working in my dev environment before buying a license. I tried with both, the shortcode version and a plain subscription form that I embed in one of our pages, and although some things seem a bit weird (e.g. unsubscription can only be redirected if you before see an unstylish form where you select what to unsubscribe...), it seems to do the job.
But what I am struggling with: When a user successfully confirms and is sent to our page, a small popup shows up on the right of the website, some greenish thing saying it was successful. Is there any way to configure this in terms of colors, font size etc.? Or is there even a way to avoid all this CSS/JS-based functionality (I do not want that, to be honest).
Thanks in advance!