Hello everyone,
I'm writing to share my experience with AcyMailing Starter 8.7.3. I was doing a routine malware scan on my website today, and I was shocked to find an infected file named thumbnail_99.php.png in the media/com_acym/images folder. This file was not there before the update, and it seems to be a malicious script disguised as an image file.
This is the report’s finding:
media/com_acym/images/thumbnails/thumbnail_99.php.png: SL-PHP-EVAL_REQUEST-ayif.UNOFFICIAL FOUND
I found a similar file thumbnail_199.php.png not flagged by the scan report.
I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue, and if so, how did you resolve it? Is there a way to prevent this from happening again? I'm very concerned about the security of my website because of AcyMailing Starter.
Thank you for your help and advice.