saraheagle Hello, does anyone know how to send an email with acy 6 x days after the user has registered? I found this, but it seems to refer to v5. Thanks in advance S 🙂
jvstratum Hi Sarah, You can do this with an automation. Change the Classic trigger to the trigger based on user actions and select "When the user subscribes" as trigger. On the Conditions tab slect "Acymailing list", choose your list and set a relative date.
saraheagle Ah, thank you, I see. Is this correct then for 7 days after reg.? It's a bit confusing, Why are there two date fields? And why are the arrows pointing backwards (in a left to right language)? Thanks again 🙂
jvstratum Hi, There are two fields so you can set a date range. You could for example send a mail once a month to all new subscribers during the pas month. Not sure about the arrows. I would expect one left and one right to indicate a date range.