Hi There

I hope you can help.

I'm running AcyMailing Starte 9.1.0.

For some odd reason, when subscribing a contact in the Backend (AcyMailing -> Subscribers -> Create), no lists appear at the bottom. see attached screenshot

There are 30 lists created and they have existing subscribers.

Please assist.



It's a two-step process. First you enter the subscriber's details and click on save. Once the user is created the button "Manage subscriptions" becomes active. Click on it and you will be able to select the liusts you want to subscribe the user to.

Hi jvstratum

Thanks for your response.

I followed your steps. When I select a list and click Confirm, the following error message displays:

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (dihivrqa_joomla4.j4_acym_user_has_list, CONSTRAINT fk_j25_acym_user_has_list1 FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES j25_acym_user (id) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION)

We changed the table prefix from j25_ to j4_ when we migrated the website from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4.

I have checked the database integrity under advanced configuration and got the green check.

Also, which is the correct format for the index:

j4_index_acym_list_has_mail1 or fk_j4_acym_list_has_mail1

Your assistance will be appreciated.

Kind Regards


Hi jvstratum

I have sorted the above error.

I have changed the indices, but not the constraints. The following is an example of a constraint:

Are both correct? This ties in with what I asked in my previous post about the indices.

Kind Regards


If you execute "Database maintenance" under the Security tab, AcyMailing will create the correct primary key for the tables