I found a thread with the same title and it was marked "Resolved". However, that was a post in 2021.
This is now 2024 and I have the exact same problem, but I didn't want to post in an old thread that would most likely get ignored - https://forum.acymailing.com/d/2857-cannot-add-a-subscriber-that-already-exists-in-joomla/5
When I tried to add a user to the existing mailing list, I keep getting an error from Joomla that the user already exists. I know the user is in the Joomla "Register" list, and in another list I have for other software.
But this user does not exist in my ACYMailing list. I have confirmed this after downloading and reviewing my CSV file from ACY.
The original resolve was to make a change in the Configuration > Subscription where "Allow subscriber data modifications without authentication" is found. The default setting is Only their subscription, and the moderator said to change that to "Yes".
I did.
It still gives me the error and won't allow me to add a user manually when the user is already in the Joomla user list.