I don't know about anuyone else but I find teh True/False Yes/No toggles confusing.
Example on the ACY9 Create user Add-On I see a toggle to Allow Site User Creation..
Is YES toggled to the left of the right?

I want to ensure that new subscribers do NOT have Joomla accounts created when they subscribe and am confused as to whether to throw the toggle left or right (White or Black respectiively). EIther way, the users seem to have accts set up!
Advice welcome!


In this case white is disabled and blue is enabled. Site user creation is disabled by default.

As a general rule of thumb for these kind of switches:

  • Left is disabled, right is enabled
  • Less color is disabled, more color is enabled
  • Red is disabled, green is enabled.

And if you are in doubt you can easily test the behaviour with a test email address.