I recently migrated from V5 to V9 and in the process of doing that I sent a large number of tests.
Every test I made, we had no problem with the images at all. However, when I sent last week's weekly edition of our newsletter, all our images were missing in all of the email clients we tested (gmail, outlook, icloud, yahoo and a couple of corporate accounts where I suppose they use outlook.
I tried sending a clone of last week edition today (to a subset of recipients, mostly my own emails) and again all the images were missing as per the attached screenshot. Even our header, footer and social media icons, as you can see.
In the forum the solution was to select to NOT "embed Images", but I checked and that's not turned on. In fact, it tells me "This option is disabled because the sending method you choose doesn't handle it".
I am not sure what that sending method is, to be honest. ElasticEmail maybe?
In any event, all the mailings I did I had no issue with images showing up, but now I do and I haven't changed anything that I can think of, and it's not just the article images, but also our header, footers, social media icons and so on.!
For the record, we use Cloudflare, but again I used Cloudflare during the testing period and this has never happened.
Thank you for any help