I have been on an email thread with Support and they keep telling me the same thing over and over, but I am in a bit over my head.
When I click the Activate It button to activate my account on the Configuration page of the back end, I keep getting these two messages:
An error occurred while calling acymailing.com
Curl error message: Could not set the automatic send for this website, please contact us for more information
Some specifics first:
Joomla: 5.1.4
Php: 8.2
Component: AcyMailing Enterprise 9.6.2
After contacting Support, they keep telling me that the cron link is getting redirected.
here is the link on the configuration page:
they tell me it is getting redirected and sent me this link in an email:
It seems that the "&no_html=1" is being added to the end of the link.
Here is what I do know:
There are no redirects or renames in the CPanel
I have eliminated every redirect or rename in the htaccess file one at a time.
Neither of these things fixed the issue.
I cannot figure out what is going on, and it is driving me crazy. Does anyone have any help they can throw my way? I would greatly appreciate it.