For your understanding Ill subscribe the whole process and tell you what to do to accomplish what you want as easy as possible.
1) You send out a mailing containing an unsubscribe link
2) The subscriber wants to unsubscribe and slicks on the unsubscribe link
3) The user is landing on you unsubscribe page that contains this form

4) As son as the subscriber has unselected one or more lists he wants to unsubscribe from and clicks "Save" OR when the subscribers clicks on "Unsibscribe from all" the user gets immediately unsubscribed in the databse and will nog longer receive emails from you.
5) You have setup a "Redirect after unsubscribe" to the page https://tarda.web-worx.org/contact-us/opt-out-page, hence your "Soryy to see you go page".
On this page you need to remove the text that they can unsubscribe, because they already have unsubscribed on the previous page. It's not possible to reconfirm the unsubscription.
Also add a normal subscription module to this "Sorry to see you go" page. You can encourige your user to suscribe again in case they unsubscribed unintentionally.
In this subscription module DO NOT enable the unsubscribe option. The unsubscribe option in the subscription form has nothing to do with the process of a user clicking on an unsubscribe link in your email. It's there for different purposes which are not relevant to what you want to accomplish.
Now you have your unsubscribe process complete, insluding offering a way to resubscribe again.
Regarding the styling of the unsubscribe form in step 3 you canuse css to modify colors, font-size, borders, field width or whatever you want to change.
The css code must be placed inside the custom style sheet that belongs to your website's template. If you can't find it, please ask your template provider
In case your css modifications do not work it's because one of these reasons:
a) You have made a typo in your code -> Check your code for typing errors
b) The frontend is cached and is still loading the old css. -> Reload the page by pressing SHFT-CTRL-R. This will load everything from your server again instead of using cached files.
c) You need to address your css with more specifity. To learn more about this please read this: https://css-tricks.com/specifics-on-css-specificity/.