Currently all dynamic text gets the same color, which is set in the design panel of the editor.
However, I've found a workaround, but you'll have to edit the html of the block containing the dynamic text. You need to find the code for the dynamic text and put a <span> around it with a class.
Example for the dynamic emil text:
This is the code that inserts the dynamic text for the email field:
<span class="acym_dynamic mceNonEditable"
data-dynamic="{subscriber:email}" contenteditable="false">info@domain.com<em
class="acym_remove_dynamic acymicon-close"></em></span>
Change it to this:
<span style="color: #ff0000 !important"><span class="acym_dynamic mceNonEditable"
data-dynamic="{subscriber:email}" contenteditable="false">info@domain.com<em
class="acym_remove_dynamic acymicon-close"></em></span></span>
To edit the html of a structure block in your email you can use the "Edit html" button.