My Joomla site has 2 user groups (A and B). I want to set up a Marketing list email sequence after each user signs up and chooses a user group.
(When a user is created, AcyMailing adds it to my desired newsletter subscribers list per default, so that is OK).
I have setup below automation (my first automation) but it doesn't work.
After creating it, I have added new test users (both from the Frontend and Backend) but the automation isn't triggered.
Cron seems to be working normally though, so what might be the reason for not working?
I have made the Automation like this:
Information -> Trigger based on user actions -> On user creation
Conditions -> Execute conditions on the subscriber triggering the automation -> Group / in / Usergroup A
Actions -> Acymailing list -> Subscribe -> Subscribe users to Usergroup A
+ Add an email to the queue - Email 1, Email 2, etc...
Action Targets -> Execute actions on the subscriber triggering the automation
Can you please help me to implement this?
Should I instead build this automation using the option Emails > New follow-up ??
Many thanks in advance for your kind help.