Here is my scenario and what I am attempting to do. I am trying to add a newsletter registration form to the Admin/Back End of our website. Here is why.
We are a non profit and we have volunteer events where volunteers come to our building for an event. We have a sign-in sheet and on this sheet, we offer a spot where the participant can write their e-mail address if they wish to subscribe to our newsletter.
We also have a volunteer coordinator who tracks all volunteers. I want to give her an option to add those that selected to be added to our newsletter to enter the participant's info into AcyMailing on the back-end but not give her full access to the AcyMailing component. I was just hoping to add a short form for her to complete on her admin screen. I can create a module for her but I do not know how to add an AcyMailing module as an administrator module.
Any suggestions on how to get this done?