Hi everyone,
I have a site which was migrated from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5 and I kept using Acymailing 5 to assure that the unsubscribe links in old mails still work.
After migration I testet everything and it was all fine. But when Falang did its last update, I was not able to create a new Newsletter, because Falang updated its code to a new method.
So if anybody has the same problem, here is the solution:
line 47 change the code like this
$fManager =FalangManager::getInstance();
$langActive =$fManager->getLanguages(true);
//$langActive = $fManager->getActiveLanguages();//removed 5.16
$this->values [] =acymailing_selectOption('' ,acymailing_translation('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'));
As Acymailing 5 will not get any updates I just changed it like this and everything works again.
Kind regards, Tanja