You can create your own custom squeeze page with your own fields and run a script after submission to add the data to Acymailing. I use this in combination with RSForm and it works really well.
For example, I use this simple script to add users to my newsletter. It just handles name and e-mail address, but you could use it for other fields, inclusing custom fields, as well.
$postData = JRequest::getVar('form');
if(empty($postData['Nieuwsbrief'])) return;
$userClass = acym_get('class.user');
$myUser = $userClass->getOneByEmail(strip_tags($postData['E-mail']));
if (empty($myUser)) {
$myUser = new stdClass();
$myUser->email = strip_tags($postData['E-mail']);
$myUser->name = strip_tags($postData['Naam']);
$myUser->id = $userClass->save($myUser);
$listToSubscribe = [1, 2, 3];
$userClass->subscribe($myUser->id, $listToSubscribe);