Hello I'm having an issue with ACYSMS 3.5.1. I'm running Joomla CMS 3.9.14. It seems that recently I'm having a large number of SMS showing as Not Sent under the Statistics panel in the admin. There is also a error code of "Error 0 =>" Can anyone shed any light on this error? I have been in touch with the SMS Gateway Twillio and from understanding this error is related to ACYSMS not pushing the message out to the gateway.
I understand that ACYSMS is now no longer being developed as of Feb 2020 but I was hoping someone here in the community could perhaps give me suggestions or direction on the error and if it something that can be resolved like an issue with the server the site is hosted on possibly, something like resources perhaps, or if this is a result of the extension perhaps being outdated and changes with the CMS as a result of no longer being developed etc. Also being that ACYSMS in no longer being developed any longer, anyone know of any good migration paths to move to, for example any other solutions that integrate with Twilio for sending SMS to customers via Joomla CMS?
Thanks in advance!
Sent SMS Error 0 => using ACYSMS 3.5.1