leblancphil Hello , is there a simple way to insert php code in a newsletter ? I need to show a list of events from my database without using events plugin . I use sourcerer everywhere in my joomla site but it doesnt work in acymailing. Thanks for your answer and excuse my poor English.
jvstratum Hi, If you are on Acymailing version 5 you can use the universal Tag Plugin to retrieve information from any database table. You can read more about it here: https://www.acyba.com/acymailing/360-acymailing-plugin-universaltag.html. Or you could create your own plugin: https://www.acyba.com/acymailing/64-acymailing-developer-documentation.html#tag.
leblancphil Thanks for that quick answer I have tried Tag Plugin but I was not able to take the good form to my datas , I should probably continue to search that way, I see that I can modify template, I'll try that Thanks again