jvstratum On the license tab www.acymailing.com/account/license)? I see my product key and the download button, that offers the latest version of both versions of the software. I looking for older releases. I'm sorry - just not seeing them.
The new install failed to load user lists when trying to assign a list to an email. Importing from /index.php?option=com_acym&ctrl=users, 'we're loading your data' never comes back. I found something in the slow query log, but it was only 5 seconds, we waited much longer than that. SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(l.listid)) FROM #acymailing_list as l LEFT JOIN #acymailing_listsub as ls ON l.listid=ls.listid WHERE l.type='list' AND ls.status=1 AND ls.subid IS NOT NULL
Having an active release schedule is great thing and Acy6 is looking good. But things break and active deployments need to stay working. I suppose I'll just start archiving the releases my if they're not available on the site.